In the name of God
William Wordsworth as a romantic poet wrote Lyrical Ballad (1798) and added The Preface to1800 edition; in addition he completed his Prelude which consists thirteen books in 1805.Regarding these works many his contemporaries consider him as experimenter and a poet with a system. Because on the one hand, he explained his principles in his Preface on the other hand, if we look at his poem in his Prelude, we can see that he composed them about his early experience with nature. In order to clarify on these issues firstly, I will refer to his statements in his Preface secondly, I will discuss how he uses his experience in his Prelude.
Due to his Preface, it illustrated the principles which are necessary to judging his poetry ; in fact, it claims to go back to the principles that governed the great poetry by attacking “poetic diction” of 18th century not to mention the fact that he rejects the traditional “decorum” .Technically speaking poetic diction includes words , phrasing , and figures not current in ordinary speech ; moreover , decorum ,as a term in literary criticism ,points the view that there be fitness in the a literary genre , its subject matter , its character , and actions ,and the style of its narration and dialogues are matched to one another ; therefore , he chooses to represent “ incidents and situations from common life “ .For example he used from peasants , children , criminals and idiots boys as serious subjects of poetic and even tragic concern ; in addition , he undertook to write in a “ selection of language really used by men “ . Although poets before Romantics were interested in maintaining decorum, wanted to explore the dark side of humanity, the romantics looked at extreme emotion, violence, powerful feeling, and melancholy. According to Wordsworth these feeling should be recollected in tranquility and thought about long and deeply by mentioning in his Preface that “ all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling ; besides , the great subject of poetry claims are “ the essential passion of the heart “ and “the great and simple affection “ as these qualities interact with “ the beautiful and permanents forms of nature “ .
Wordsworth ‘ s Prelude leads to consider his work as autobiographical poems written in two parts in 1799-1814; in fact , he is the poet of remembrance of past things as he himself puts it of “emotion recollection in tranquility” .Generally speaking it means that some subjects in the present trigger a sudden renewal of feeling he had experienced in youth. Actually, this show that his poem presents a sharp difference between what he is and himself as he once was; besides , he called it “two consciousness “ . Truly, he recollected one of emotional chaos of the past which caused him to remember emotion in the calm present. As a case in point he has experienced in France a revolution which he had described it in Prelude10.During those years there was a war between England and France made it impossible to rejoin his beloved Annett; indeed, he described his suffering of guilt, his divided loyalty between England and France and his anguish from course of revolution in England ; moreover, he is an independent autobiographical poet as he takes his life from his childhood , through his college, to the age of seventeen. Also he composed a number of passages about his early experience with nature.
In sum , Wordsworth system had great impact on his cotemporary poets ;however, we should take for granted which events leads him to its impacts on the poem .
خیابان آزادی - میدان استاد معین - خیابان 21 متری جی کمی بعد از کوچه شهید هاشمی نیا نرسیده به چهار راه طوس بن بست منصور پلاک 1 واحد 2
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